A glimpse into the life of hundreds of Montrealers who gather in an organized campground during the summer. Taking their homes with them, they recreate in the countryside the urban atmosphere in which they live in the city. The outdoor life they experience, the sports and entertainment they pursue transform them into happier and more fulfilled people.
A word from Tënk
A veritable hidden jewel from the NFB collection, this short documentary, which went nearly unnoticed when released in 1971, charms us with its authentic and picturesque images. La vraie vie (“The real life”) is led, in a campground, in summer, by many Montreal families. These urbanites come to spend the season, far from the hubbub of the city, while changing nothing about their lifestyle! A film that will leave you with a smile or feeling nostalgic. Either way, it will, without a doubt, leave you humming the theme song from the Deux-Montagnes campground.
Marc St-Pierre
Curator of Collection, National Film Board of Canada