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Available for rent
80 min
France, 1994

Production : Les Films d'Ici



Cedric is eight years old. One day, he has stomach pains. During the following six months, he will mostly live in a small unit for children suffering from cancer, on the fifth floor of the Institut Curie in Paris. His words and the story intertwine with those of Steve, Dolores and the other children. Cedric will lead us each time a bit further, through all the trials that he’ll face until his recovery.

A word from Tënk

The summary of this film may frighten some people. But let's sweep aside these prejudices and remember: who wasn't bowled over by Rossellini's Europe 51? Or Stromboli? Great films that tell the story of an ordeal. The kid, Cédric, teaches us to live with poetry and genius. Denis Gheerbrant accompanies Cedric and the other children on their journey to discover the possibility of death, their suffering, that of their parents, and life itself. We are gripped by the strength and beauty of their words and phrases, like the one that comes to Cédric and is the title of the film. He looks up with humility and weariness, and says to Denis so that he understands: "Life is boundless and full of dangers.” That's what it means to be a film spectator: to accompany, alongside Denis, a child who is on the brink of death and overcomes it.



Claire Simon



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