Immerse yourself in the extraordinary world of Daniel Robichaud, an Acadian weaver. Despite the challenges he faced in his recent battle against AIDS, Daniel discovered in the fabrics he weaves a new identity imbued with hope and resilience. Through his textiles, rich in the vibrant colors of his Acadian homeland, Daniel deeply connects to his roots, creating works that tell not only his personal story but also that of his community.
A word from Tënk
Daniel the Weaver is a touching short film about Daniel Robichaud. Born in Clare, Nova Scotia, Daniel leaves his village for Halifax, where he lives for 15 years. Back home, he returns to lobster fishing but is diagnosed with HIV. Unable to continue fishing, he turns to weaving to heal and express himself artistically. Through this documentary, Julien Cadieux highlights Daniel's resilience and the strength of acceptance within his Acadian community. The film celebrates human perseverance and the beauty of solidarity, showing how Daniel, despite his trials, finds new meaning in life through the art of weaving.
Catrine Drisdelle
Head of Operations
Presented in collaboration with