This documentary tells the story of how, when a Haitian voodoo priestess (a Mambo) dies, it is up to the children to celebrate the deity she served. It’s time for the filmmaker’s mother to come home to perform this ritual in honor of his late grandmother.
A word from Tënk
When a Haitian voodoo priestess - called a Mambo - dies, it is up to her children to celebrate the deity she served. The time has come for the director's mother, who is the daughter of the deceased priestess, to return to her native land to conduct the ritual in honor of her late mother. Between audio testimonies recorded on a cassette, capturing dances, and documentary study, Brave paints a portrait without artifice of a woman, mother of a family, but also daughter of another woman. A portrait of uprooting, of the maternal bond and of the duality between influences and traditions. A short film with a strong ethnographic and colorful dimension, it approaches in an original way the ritual and the duty of transmission in a migratory context.
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