Not far from the North Pole on Ellesmere Island, for one hundred and twenty days, a watchful camera stalks a beast of fleece and hoof, the ancient musk-ox, in anticipation of the great bull’s duel for dominance. By the light of late summer, in the hush of expectation of mating behaviour, battle is joined between the furry combatants.
A word from Tënk
It is ironic that Pierre Perrault's last film has no speaking character other than the narrator. He who has given voice to the people, to Québécois people who have revealed themselves in his short and feature films with such sincerity, spontaneity, in their dreams and desires. Icewarrior is of a completely different style, but it is still interested, in a metaphorical way this time, in the territory and its occupants. Beyond the marvelous images of Gosselin and Leclerc, Perrault's unique and radiant writing narrated by none other than Michel Garneau, it is about occupation and surrender, conquest, victory, defeat and longevity, even eternity. Must one wage war to be master of one's home, must one be the proudest… or the strongest?
Mathieu Perrault
Pierre Perrault's son