Item 1 of 4

Available for rent
66 min
Belgium, 2023

Production : Les Films de la Passerelle

Gender and sexuality


For the past twenty years, scientists, armed with a fresh and liberated perspective, have revealed an animal world where sexualities, genders, and families rhyme with diversity. Being queer: it’s natural! From one encounter to another, the film intertwines the reflections and emotions of two artists inspired by this queer nature and the plurality of animal behaviors, poetically illustrated.

A word from Tënk

Based on findings established by queer ecology, a field of study aimed at deconstructing heterosexist biases that persist within scientific practices such as biology, Queerying Nature serves as an excellent entry point for those interested in the subject matter.

Combining the perspectives of biologists and ethologists with those of queer artists, two fields that some might consider categorically opposed, almost antithetical, the film argues that each greatly enriches the other.

Today, there are thousands of documented cases of homosexual birds, transsexual fish, non-binary and polyamorous animals, but it is only recently that someone has taken the time to study these phenomena. If queer ecology exists and thrives today, the film credits the artists who are the real, unexpected sparks behind this scientific movement, now driven by renewed empathy and curiosity towards animal biodiversity.




Jason Todd
Artistic Director



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Item 1 of 4

Item 1 of 4