A political science fiction film shot as a documentary, Born in Flames takes us to the near future of New York, ten years after the failure of a social revolution. At the call of the Women’s Army, several groups of activists finally unite to form a shifting, non-hierarchical network that baffles the FBI. They fought in an explosive atmosphere against a society whose institutions were racist, classist and sexist.
A word from Tënk
What if, spurred on by the sheer violence of the state, a few women armed themselves to take control of the media and tell their own stories? Occupy the airwaves to cut through the discourse dominated by social hypocrisy, traditional heteronormativity and white feminism. On feminist pirate radio stations, two dissident voices from the New York underground broadcast punk songs and new narratives whose rhythm support the uprising. A guerrilla cinema, a kaleidoscope of direct action and cutting-edge strategies, Born in Flames invents its own representations, driven by a rebellious joy.
Charlotte Ferchaud
Member of the editorial committee of the magazine Panthère Première