Item 1 of 4

20 min
Quebec, 2023

Production : La Créative Films
This film addresses the issues of sexual assault and lack of consent.

Best fiction short film - Festival Filministes 2024

Festival Filministes 2024


Nine year-old Sarah is quietly discovering love when an assault derails her sexual awakening. Summer 2000 is an intimate and delicate tale in which the play between different mediums offers an insight into gender performativity and consent.

A word from Tënk

For its charming nostalgia, which nevertheless awakens ambiguous and complex memories through simple, precise writing. For the accuracy of its actors and its visual language at the service of the story.


Festival Filministes Jury


Lamia Chraibi
Nyassa Munyonge
Nadine Gomez


Item 1 of 4
Item 1 of 4

Item 1 of 4