"How bad is your pain right now? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is it?" Behind the white curtain of an operating room, an abstract decor is set up, that of a journey that would find its source in the heart of a wound. Thus, in a semi-conscious state, I receive the visit of the centaur Chiron. He shows me a passage, a tiny space, a synapse, from which comes a very strange song. Initiated from a lived experience and real encounters, Autopoiesis proposes shifts and variations, a descent towards fiction, poetry and mythology.
A word from Tënk
By the light of the full moon, Anne Lepère fractures her elbow. Her first instinct is to ask for her recorder to be brought to her while she’s waiting for care. This accident gives birth to documentary poetry written in the filigree of the fall and the recovery that follows: “once pain enters the body, our frequencies align.”
From the hospital bed where we have the impression that we, too, lie beside her, a space opened up by Chiron the centaur facilitates our passing from one world to another–reality, fiction, mythology–recalling Alice’s slide into wonderland. This stroll is supported by a beautiful musical composition that brings us from karmic astrology, to a therapist and a luthier, while the filmmaker ponders upon the reason for which things happen.
Over the course of time, equally present in her body as in the narrative, the injury brings destruction, transformation, and reorganization: an autopoiesis.
To be listened to with headphones on, of course.
Jenny Cartwright
Documentarian and audio artist