Leaning into the Wind follows Andy Goldsworthy on his exploration of the layers of his world and the impact of the years on himself and his art. As Goldsworthy introduces his own body into the work it becomes at the same time even more fragile and personal and also sterner and tougher, incorporating massive machinery and crews on his bigger projects. Riedelsheimer’s exquisite film illuminates Goldsworthy’s mind as it reveals his art
A word from Tënk
Andy Goldsworthy works
In fact, he lives
And he pushes us
To ask ourselves
Is this art
Or the passage of time
Or the melting of snow
And when the snow melts
It hurts
Like an elm falling
Like an old friend
Who will never rise again
Like time
That will never return
Like autumn following summer
The spider that spreads its web
Heedless of gusts
The leaf that twirls
Its vibrant yellow
Disappearing under the frost
And the stones he caresses
With gnarled fingers
Worn and aging
His fingers intertwined
With those of his daughter
These stones whisper to us
That they will keep her trace
That the landscape remembers
All those who cross it
And disregard the checkered paths
All those who take new ones
And leap over walls
To see what life has in store
On the outside
In this life of scenery
Of spiders and thousand-year-old stones
This passing life
Seasons that repeat themselves
And all these things
That are never the same
New visions
It's all worth it.
Naomie Décarie-Daigneault
Tënk's Artistic Director